Encrypted Training with PyTorch + PySyft

Encrypted Training of Deep Learning models with PyTorch + PySyft on MNIST

Federated Learning of a Recurrent Neural Network on Raspberry PIs

In this article, you are going to learn how to setup PySyft on a Raspberry PI and how to train a Recurrent Neural Network in a federated way.

Encrypted Deep Learning Classification with PyTorch & PySyft

Encrypted Deep Learning Classification with PyTorch & PySyft in < 33ms on MNIST

Deep Learning -> Federated Learning in 10 Lines of PyTorch + PySyft

Deep Learning -> Federated Learning in 10 Lines of PyTorch + PySyft

Weekly Digs #10

Small but good: we only dug up one paper this week but it comes with very interesting claims.

Weekly Digs #9

If anyone had any doubt that private machine learning is a growing area then this might take care of that: one week with papers on MPC, HE, SGX, and DP.

Weekly Digs #7

While academia may still be a bit busy with submission deadlines, industry reported interesting stories this week regarding secure computation

Weekly Digs #6

A slightly slower period yet still new work on differential privacy and covert channels!

Weekly Digs #5

Good mix of approaches this time, including custom secure computation, secure enclaves, peer-to-peer gossip, and differential privacy.

Weekly Digs #4

Shorter but still interesting mix this week with two pillars of private machine learning: homomorphic encryption and differential privacy!

Weekly Digs #3

Big news this week with a good mix of everything: guides to help you explore, practical tools, and interesting new ideas! Enjoy.

Weekly Digs #2

This week saw updates on training logistic and boosting models on encrypted data, and an update to the student-teacher approach.

Weekly Digs #1

We are very happy to finally kick off our weekly dig into what's currently going on in private machine learning!