Weekly Digs #7

While academia may still be a bit busy with submission deadlines, industry reported interesting stories this week regarding secure computation.



  • Sharemind, one of the biggest and earliest players pushing MPC to industry, has launched a new privacy service based on secure computation using secure enclaves with the promise that it can handle big data. Via @positium.
  • Interesting interview with Lea Kissner, the head of Google's privacy team NightWatch. Few details are given but "She recently tried to obscure some data using cryptography, so that none of it would be visible to Google upon upload ... but it turned out that [it] would require more spare computing power than Google has" sounds like techniques that could be related to MPC or HE. Via @rosa.
  • Google had two AI presentations at this year's RSA conference, one on fraud detection and one on adversarial techniques. Via @goodfellow_ian.
