Apply to be an OpenMined Research Scientist

As a part of OpenMined's new initiative to foster a research community, we are excited to issue a call for applications to become an OpenMined Research Scientist!

This is an exciting new volunteer role designed to help experienced researchers meet talented engineers to collaborate with towards shared research goals. Note that for students we do not require your projects within OpenMined to be separate from projects you are already pursuing within your academic program. If accepted, you may include an OpenMined affiliation on papers alongside your other affiliations.

As such, we do have some minimum requirements to apply to become a Research Scientist. While these will not be strictly enforced, we hope they will serve as useful guidelines for what the position expects of you:

Minimum Requirements:

  • You must have published at least 1 paper to a peer-reviewed journal or conference.
  • You must have a current or recent (past 5 years) affiliation to a research institution (academic or industry).
  • A Github Account
  • An OpenMined Slack account (
  • Strong Python development skills
  • Familiarity with an existing research-oriented deep learning framework (PyTorch, Tensorflow, or Jax)
  • Familiarity with collaboration tools such as Google Colab, Jupyter Lab, and git
  • Familiarity with at least one cloud provider (Google Cloud, AWS, Azure, etc.)

Ideal Requirements for Research Projects in Privacy

  • Completed PySyft's course and/or tutorials
  • Have merged one or more pull requests into PySyft or PyGrid
  • Have read/understood key papers in Differential Privacy, Secure Multi-party Computation, Federated Learning, Zero-knowledge Proofs, and Homomorphic Encryption.

If you are not sure whether you are ready, or unsure how to acquire the skills necessary to become a Research Scientist, apply for an OpenMined Mentor to help you put together a career-development plan to become one!

If you are excited about the opportunity to become a Research Scientist, to work alongside other researchers and engineers to submit papers to top AI conferences, Apply Here!